201 Waterfront Street
National Harbor, District of Columbia

You don’t want to miss this conference! Attendees of this conference share quality time with representatives from every aspect of the retirement plan industry, including representatives from the IRS and DOL. This is an awesome learning opportunity attended by over 1,600 of your colleagues. There will be over 60 workshops focusing on all areas of the retirement business. Whether you are an attorney, an actuary, a consultant, administrator or business owner, there’s something here for you! Each year, there are new regulations and legislation to understand, new products and services on the market and new opportunities to increase your professional knowledge, enhance your business services and products and an opportunity to meet new friends and network with old ones. You’ll also have a chance to visit over 80 vendor displays in the exhibit hall.

Official Website: http://www.asppa.org/annual

Added by db66va on October 8, 2009