105 Lexington Avenue (between 68th and 69th Streets)
New York, New York

The 2008 NYC Green Conference
Peace—Social & Economic Justice—Grassroots Democracy—Environmental Wisdom

WHO: Hunter College chapter of Campus Greens and Green Party NYC

WHAT: The 2008 NYC Green Conference

WHEN: Saturday, May 31st from 9AM to 6PM

WHERE: Hunter College -- 68th Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan, Room 714

On Saturday, May 31st, activists, educators, students and community members from across New York City will gather at Hunter College to take part in the 2008 NYC Green Conference, sponsored by the Hunter chapter of the Campus Greens and Green Party NYC.
Members Iraq Veterans Against the War, the Cornell Global Labor Institute, Physicians for a National Health Program, and FairVote USA (just to name a few) will serve as panelists and guest lecturers, focused on uncompromised critiques of the problems facing us, and action-oriented strategies that can be built into the larger network of progressive solution.
Visit the Green Party NYC website (www.greenpartynyc.org) today to RSVP, find out more about the amazing workshops and the other events.


Invocation by Rev. Billy and the Stop Shopping Gospel Choir

General Session 1
“Green Politics in NY: Past, Present, and Future”
A panel of Green political activists and representatives, as well as past candidates, will provide an historical perspective and future strategies for Green politics in New York State, with a focus on New York City.

Workshop Session 1
“Sustainability, NYC and the Global Climate Crisis”
Sean Sweeney (Director, Global Labor Institute – Cornell Univ.), Zena Nelson (South Bronx Food Coop.) and Joel Kovel (author, The Enemy of Nature; 1998 Green Party candidate for US Senate)

“Everybody In, Nobody Out: Single Payer Health Care Initiatives"
Gloria Mattera (Co- Chair, Green Party of New York State), Don A. Dayson,M.D., (Physicians for a National Health Program NY Metro Chapter & attending physician at Harlem Hospital), Mark Dunlea (Director, Hunger Action Network of New York)

“Proportional Representation in NYC – Then & Now” – Lynne Serpe (FairVote)


Delegate Nomination & Election Procedures
Voting procedures will take place to decide who will represent New York City (Region 2) at the National Nominating Convention in Chicago, IL this summer.

Afternoon Break

Workshop Session 2
“Re-charging the Anti-War Movement”
Javier Vasquez (Iraq Veterans Against the War) and Prof. Susan Cushman (Chair, Peace Task Force, All Souls Church), others TBA

“Our City: Development and the Fight For New York City”
Scott M.X. Turner (Develop Don’t Destroy -- Brooklyn), Laurel May Turbin (Chinatown Justice Project, CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities) others TBA

“There Is An Alternative: Running Progressive Political Campaigns”
Julia Willebrand (2006 Green Party candidate for NY State Comptroller), David Doonan (Green Mayor, Greenwich, NY), Dave Lussier (2007 Green Party candidate for Albany County Legislature) and others

General Session 2
A discussion on race in post-Sean Bell NYC Hosted by Dr. Jared Ball (Asst. Professor, Morgan State Univ.; ex-2008 Green Party candidate for President)



Official Website: http://www.greenpartynyc.org

Added by Green Party Of Brooklyn on April 28, 2008

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