The IWL 2008 project is supported in part by a grant from The James Irvine Foundation.
The 5th Intergenerational Writers Lab (IWL) 2008
A program of Kearny Street Workshop & Intersection for the Arts
A unique program with two of SF’s oldest arts organizations to thoroughly explore and develop your writing. Accepted applicants will participate in workshops led by accomplished writers, have the opportunity to perform/read work at public events, and be published in a new chapbook.
SF-based arts nonprofits Kearny Street Workshop & Intersection for the Arts are seeking applications for a literary program for emerging writers, the 5th annual Intergenerational Writers Lab (IWL), scheduled to take place March 1 – July 16 2008. Twelve participants will be selected to participate in the literary program, which will involve workshops, public readings, and an anthology publication. IWL workshops will be led by six lead artists: playwright Ricardo Bracho, journalist and music writer Jeff Chang, poet devorah major, journalist Annalee Newitz, poet and essayist Bushra Rehman, and poet Troung Tran . The IWL will include public readings, featuring selected writers, scheduled for March 19, April 23, May 21, and July 16, at Kearny Street Workshop and Intersection for the Arts.
The goals of the IWL program include the following:
1) to provide twelve local emerging writers with the opportunity to challenge, develop, and expand their writing by working with emerging and established writers in a variety of genres;
2) to contribute to the development of new literary forms and language that incorporate multiple forms of creative expression;
3) to provide emerging writers with the opportunity to connect and work with each other and with established writers in the literary world;
4) to provide the community with an opportunity to engage with new work and new explorations of form and language;
5) to contribute to the wealth of independent literary publications by publishing a new anthology from KSW Press and Intersection for the Arts that highlights work by exciting new writers committed to exploring new forms and voices.
We are looking for local (SF Bay Area) emerging writers who wish to develop and expand their writing skills by experimenting with new forms and taking risks in creative expression. Selected participants will participate in nine workshop sessions of three hours duration each (all workshop sessions will take place on Saturday afternoons) and will have the opportunity to attend and participate in the four public events at KSW and Intersection. Writers need not be published, but must demonstrate a consistent pursuit of literary arts and a deep interest in participating in an experimental writing program.
To apply or for more information, contact KSW ([email protected]) or Intersection ([email protected]), or download pdf of full instructions and application form by going to:
Kearny Street Workshop is a community-based arts nonprofit based in San Francisco. Founded in 1972, KSW's mission is to produce and present art that enriches and empowers Asian Pacific American communities. Our vision is to achieve a more just society by connecting APA artists to community members to give voice to our cultural, historical, and contemporary issues. KSW offers workshops, visual exhibitions, readings, artist salons and panel discussions, an annual arts festival, and more. For more information, please visit
Official Website:
Added by KSW on January 11, 2008