1001 Performance Place
Grand Prairie, Texas 75050

New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) brings the divine beauty of the ancient East to magnificent life in DFW Metroplex with its stunning Chinese New Year Spectacular produced by the Divine Performing Arts. Using the expression of Chinese classical dance, the Spectacular showcases the true traditional Chinese culture without any Communist Party Culture. The originally composed music that successfully combines western orchestral music instruments with traditional Chinese music instruments, expresses the joy of sound from heaven in a perfect fashion. Sumptuous music, striking scenery, classic Chinese choreography and gorgeous costumes evoke the pure beauty, pure compassion and grandeur of ancient China in this unique and unforgettable production featuring an outstanding cast of international vocalists, musicians, and classical Chinese dancers in a cross-cultural experience not to be missed. The content of all programs is expressed in Chinese and English.

Ticket Price: $29, $39, $49, $69, $89
$4.00 facility charge is applied for each ticket purchased.

Ticket line

NTDTV Ticket Hotline
469-226-5363 (Chinese/English)

Ticket Master Ticket Hotline
214.373.8000 (English)
972.647.5700 (English)

Nokia Theatre at Grand Prairie Box Office
1001 Performance Place, Grand Prairie, TX 75050
(open starting 1 hour prior to show time.)
For accessibility: 972.854.5111

Official Website: http://shows.ntdtv.com/dallas

Added by Kevin720 on September 20, 2007