Houston, Texas

No budget? No problem! There are plenty of marketing opportunities that do not cost thousands of dollars. In most cases, the magic is in the implementation. Over the years, Kate Good has become the expert in bargain hunting when it comes to marketing (and shoes too but that is another Webinar!). This idea-packed program will deliver ideas every property can afford and put into action before the next time your Regional Manager visits. Remember, there is no better way to spend your hump day than on a Webinar Wednesday.

Join Kate Good, The Apartment All Stars, and Multifamily Insiders on March 28th at 2pm ET (11am PT) to learn how to get in on the bargains!
> > Register Now! >>

Who Should Attend:
Owners, Marketing Directors, Regional Managers, Property Managers, and Suppliers

About Kate Good:
Kate Good presents her programs for more than 10,000 industry professionals a year at all the top events in the United States. Now, you can bring Kate into your office for this Webinar event where you can count on hearing her cutting edge ideas, unique strategies and enthusiasm to generate traffic and lease more apartments.

What people are saying about Kate's Webinars:

“Love love loved the Apartment All Stars- Kate Good Webinar today! Such fantastic information was shared and it was oozing with motivation! Huge thank you to Brent Williams with Multifamily Insiders ♥ [...] Money well spent.” ~Michelle Fording

“Well done and I could hear everything very clearly. I love Kate Good. Last time Apartment All-Stars was in our area I attended their conference and had a blast. She always has new, fun info and is a riot. Well done!” ~Rita Madden

“I always get good effective ideas” ~Billi Jo Suiter

Added by Felicia Norman on March 21, 2012

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