2619 N Decatur
Decatur, Georgia 30033

So Often "WE" turn our heads to violence happening in our friends, co workers, or family members homes. Stating "WE" will mind our business or they must have deserved whatever is being done to them. Our " Don't Talk it Be about It" campaign will be expressive fun and exciting.

So4dv is seeking people who have a passion for fighting against this horrific crime. SO4DV stands for Strike Out 4 Domestic Violence.

Build a Team of 5 persons by August 27th and we will waive your registration fee the only thing we ask is that your team make the full quota in fundraising efforts. After August 27th the registration fee is $100

Come Strike out 4 Domestic Violence on January 14th
From 6 PM- 12:00 AM

If you would like to get involved visit our website http://www.so4dv.info

Prizes, Food, Music, and More

Official Website: http://www.so4dv.org

Added by Rai Tremble on July 21, 2011