3300 Coney Island Ave
Brooklyn, New York 11235

The best and latest educational toys, hands on exhibits, creative play room, sensory & special needs toys, toy raffle and more! Meet with toy experts, find the perfect holiday gifts and help your child meet and exceed his or her developmental goals. Toys will available for purchase on site. Free Admission.
Full Description
Discover the best and latest educational and special needs toys from some of the leading toy companies in our area and around the country. Educational toys have the added benefit of motivating children to engage in constructive and enlightening play, allowing them achieve and surpass their learning goals. Special Needs toys help children with disabilities meet their developmental milestones by providing children of all ages with fun and creative sensory experiences. During this very special event, parents and care-givers will have the opportunity to talk to toy experts and receive invaluable advice to help them best match a particular toy with their child’s developmental goals. Exciting hands on exhibits featuring arts & crafts, construction sets, puzzles and more will allow children to express their creative genius. All toys will be available for purchase on site. As an added bonus, we will be hosting a toy raffle during the event. Admission is Free!

Official Website: http://www.shorefronty.org

Added by shorefronty on November 24, 2008

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