Apaczai Csere J.U.12-14
Budapest, Budapest

ISIR (International Society for Inventory Research) is a strictly professional, nonprofit organization, which endeavors to provide those engaged in inventory research with an opportunity to exchange views and experiences on an international and interdisciplinary basis: to provide an appropriate and comprehensive framework for the dissemination of research results attained in the members’ country and to take an initiative in the development of research and higher education.

The professional objectives of organizing this meeting are similar to those of the previous symposia: to provide a forum for an international exchange of ideas on various aspects of inventories. Papers on macro- and microeconomics, econometrics, economic policy, business, management and operational research aspects of inventory problems and related fields (production, logistics, etc.) are invited.


The professional program will start on Monday, August 23, 2010 with plenary sessions to be addressed by internation ally acknowledged scholars. On the following days there will be parallel sessions of the three sections of ISIR:

I. Economics of Inventories

II. Inventory Management

III. Mathematical Models of Inventories

IV. Forecasting for Inventories

Besides the regular paper presentations we plan to have a few special sessions, roundtables and free discussions.

The ISIR Executive Committee will have its meeting on Monday, August 23 evening. The ISIR General Assembly meeting will be held on Thursday, August 26 in the afternoon.

The conference language is English.

Social Program

We will have a get-together party on Monday, August 23, an optional full day excursion on Wednesday, August 25, and a banquet on Thursday, August 26 evening. Spouses’ program will also be offered (details will be available in the 2nd announcement.)

Conference information provided by konferenciakalauz.hu

Official Website: http://www.congressline.hu/isir/

Added by konferenciakalauz.hu on June 29, 2010