998 D Street Southwest
Washington D.C., District of Columbia 20024

Now in its 12th year, Immunogenicity for Biotherapeutics is THE longest running and THE largest event designed by and for the community of scientists driving progress and innovation in immunogenicity studies. The industry’s leading experts and scientists gather annually to discuss updates on emerging regulatory guidances, industry white papers, and exchange novel case studies and technology dedicated to drive forward the science , as well as expedite discovering solutions for the top immunogenicity challenges.

Audience Profile
Directors, Scientists, Research Associates, and Managers in Pharmaceutical, and Biotechnology companies working in the following functional areas: Immunology, Biotherapeutics, Immunotherapeutics, Analytical Development, Bioanalytical Development, Biopharmaceuticals, Preclinical Development, Molecular and Cell Biology, Antibody Engineering, and Pharmaceutical Research and Development.

Added by presti.mike on November 18, 2010

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