5201 Great America Parkway Suite 122
Santa Clara, California 95054

Do you love technology? Have you ever gotten so involved in a technology conversation that you've wanted to say, "let me just demonstrate this to you on my laptop". Or have you gotten a confused sideways look with raised eyebrows when you've told someone that you're a Technology Evangelist?

Global Network of Technology Evangelists (GNoTE)'s goal is to 'evangelize evangelism'. GNoTE was founded to help evangelists be more successful, and to foster the concept of evangelism in the industry and academia worldwide. The title "Technology Evangelist" was first coined by Guy Kawasaki while working for Apple Computer in the late 1980s. The Apple platform has grown and flourished to become one of the biggest brands in history, thanks to Guy's efforts. A company's objectives are to grow, succeed and maintain profitability. An evangelist's role within the company is to cultivate mindshare and spread the word about the company's products.

On December 4th SDForum is pleased to present this exceptional program dedicated to "Everything Evangelist" and launch GNoTE.

11:30 am - 12:00 pm Registration
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm -1:45 pm Opening Keynote:
Art of Evangelism Guy Kawasaki, Managing Director, Garage Technology Ventures

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Global Technology Outreach in the Participation Age
Matt Thompson, Sr. Director of Technology Outreach Group, SUN Microsystems

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm The Evangelist In You
Jeff Barr, Amazon
Frederic Lucas, Growth Resources

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm Technology Evangelism Best Practices
Dan'l Lewin, Corporate Vice President, Strategic and Emerging Business Development, Microsoft

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Evangelism Success Stories
Anil Dash, Vice President of Professional Products, Six Apart, Ltd.
Jeff Sandquist, Microsoft Evangelist, Channel 9 and 10
Jeremy Zawodny, Technology Evangelist Yahoo!

5:30 pm - 6:00 pm Closing Keynote

$40 SDForum Members, $70 Non-members, at the door add $10 to member and non-member prices.

See both:

http://www.gnote.ws/ (event updates will be made here)


Official Website: http://www.gnote.ws/

Added by FullCalendar on November 7, 2006



I'm moving heaven, earth, and final exams to be there! =)


hello hello people,

reason #47375057 to attend GNoTECon - FREE BOOZE!

Be there!
