1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike (Route 1)
Dedham, Massachusetts 02060

The application of metrics and measures in effective and productive ways by officers and top managers and is the focus of the 11th R&D-Product Development Metrics Summit. The goals of the Summit are to communicate the state-of-practice of measurement in R&D and Product Development and to construct a best practice portfolio of metrics. The global focus on innovation is resulting in new and changing measures that quantify overall results while placing increased emphasis on Intellectual Property, Technology/Advanced Development, Alliances, and Open Innovation.

The Summit consists of 3 seminars. Measuring Product Development II is focused on the "intangible" issues that top management deals with on a daily basis. Proactive and Predictive R&D Metrics is focused on three different stages of developing metrics that enable managers to foresee the future. Product Development Metrics Portfolios is a workshop where participants work in groups to develop "a best practice metrics portfolio."

Added by Cheryl_GGI on February 5, 2010

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