October 13th brings the second installment of The Salem Poetry Happening to The Cornerstone Bookstore. The Happening interweaves poetry, music, spoken word, audio and video, movement, performance art and other expressive genres to creatively explore a special monthly theme. October's theme will be "Something Wicked | readings from or inspired by elements of horror, death or the macabre". October's feature will be the shock | rock spokenword stylings of Boston's The Collective features live sets by Michael Gurry, David Andersson and Lou Susi { of Beware the Haberdash }, as well as pre-recordings supplied by Feature Creep. And rumor has it that Salem legend Bryan Croad will be joining The Happening as well with some tap acoustic guitar pieces. Stop by and (1) participate by bringing your own original or favourite writings or compositions, hopefully inspired by our suggested topic of the evening - or (2)simply come, bring a friend or 2, relax - watch & listen in - perhaps grab a cup of coffee and a pastry at the cafe - and enjoy. The event is absolutely free - we simply ask that you bring an open mind and a big, wide smile!
Official Website: http://www.bijaxous.com/happening
Added by loususi on September 12, 2006