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Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh


Whenever we think of any great city, we think of the monuments, the historic places, the museums, the roads.That is what any tourism site or advertisement projects invariably here in India.In short we think of the history or the inert things of the city. What we forget is that the city both in past or in present gets its character by the people that inhabit that city. Hyderabad is a great city and loved by all of us alike. But what both the tourist and photographers generally ignore is that the true color and the real essence of Hyderabad are its people. The 1000 portrait project is an attempt to both salute and recognize and celebrate the people of Hyderabad.As a part of this project we will ask people from different part of the city to smile for Hyderabad.Its a humble attempt to capture the true nature of Hyderabad.

About the project, a group of 10 photographers, 2 cameras and 10 different locations of the city and 1000 portraits at the end of the day.

Are you interested to participate in this project?? You can contribute your beautiful smile... we will be in & around necklace road from 4PM to 7PM... gimme a call if you are there - 9 eight 8 55 four 8 48 seven

Official Website:

Added by ♥ Vijay Bandari ♥ on July 29, 2009