125 Grand St.
Hoboken, New Jersey

10 Week Golf Leagues

All Games will be played on our Simulators!

Hit real balls and real clubs.

Putt into a real cup.

Play in only ninety minutes (nine holes) or three hours) eighteen holes

$99 per Person Team Play 9 Holes

$179 per person Stroke Play 9 Holes

$289 per person Stroke Play 18 Holes
Save $20 per league when joining two or more leagues (starting with second league)

Also Offered:

$179 per person 9 Holes, 4 Weeks with Instruction

Miss a week and receive a voucer for open play that can be used another time

[Limit: Two per person per golf league]

Courses Available

Choose from Pebble Beach, St. Andrews, Coeur D'Alene, Spyglass & Many more
CALL 201-876-966 TO SIGN UP TODAY!

Visit www.hobokengolf.com for pictures and/or more info
All Skill Levels are Welcomed!

Official Website: http://www.hobokengolf.com

Added by hobokengolf1 on January 8, 2010

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