“10 and Under Tennis” helps new and younger students to enjoy the game right away. With kid-sized courts and equipment, traditional frustrations, like waiting in line to hit the ball and not being able to rally over the net, are removed and young players can play quickly and develop a lifetime passion for a lifetime sport. The Carnival will include refreshments, arts and crafts, and multi-sport games, in addition to plenty of tennis. New York Live Community Outreach will also be on site to offer its Child ID program. For more information on the Carnival or on 10 and Under Tennis, Multi-Sport programs, and Junior tennis clinics offered at SPORTIME Syosset, parents can call 516-364-2727 or email [email protected].
Official Website: http://www.sportimeny.com/Syosset-Tennis
Added by Jerry Milani on January 22, 2013