402 Abercorn Street
Savannah, Georgia 31401

So you've done a couple of our tours at this point. Now you're feeling a little more caution to the wind. Sexy even. Well we've got the tour for you big shot and for this one, we've become fond of saying, "take this tour and you've graduated." What else are you doing at midnight anyway? Better be The Midnight Tour or will hunt you down. Yes, to reiterate, this actually goes out at the witching hour and whops you until about 3am! Can you dig it? But, let us advise you. Come well rested and largely sober or you will not survive the 2-3 mile storytelling hike. Yeah, we want your money but we want you to be prepped right for the good time. The Midnight Tour is Story Special Reserve and its not for everybody. Meaning? It goes far beyond the ordinary ghost pale. For those that one pure apparition and "ooga booga," type storytelling, this is definitely not for them. It instead is an enlightenment tour and not everyone is up for that post 12 o'clock at night. But for those who are, they really get it and revel in it. The tour really has a life of its own some nights, one even ending at 4:30 am with no one wanting to leave! But no, we're only committing you for as long as you want to stay! Subject wise The Midnight Tour works from our darkest canons of "out there" stories dealing with bizarre & tragic Savannah characters and topics. Freemasonry, Schizophrenia, occultist history of Savannah, human possession, ghost photography, morgue tunnels, voodoo sacrifice, ESP, telekinesis, out-of-body and much more that stems from events truly having taken place in Savannah along with the politics of such things. Its kind of Anthropology meets Sociology meets Mephisto. That's just a peek and bear in mind that only a couple of our guides are qualified to perform it and they all have their own prerogatives as to which stories they tell so keep that in mind as our guides like to mix it up so the description here is meant as a measure for the tour only and thank you for your understanding in advance. The stories are also related in a very adult manner and sometimes because history as it happened is a little gritty, and we tell it like it is, you may run into the occasional, non-gratuitous use of some four lettered verbiage. So yeah, we run that tour late at night. Call it our Drive-In special and feel free to make out in the front seat. The Midnight Tour also includes an incredible 12 x 18 commemorative poster. All because we love you for being so crazy to do this tour! I know man, we love you like crazy! Due to production level of this tour, it has reservation minimums that must be met before going green light so if you're into it, make it known early so we can make this incredible touring event happen for you!

- Reservations Are Necessary -

Official Website: http://www.themidnighttour.com/

Added by Sixth Sense Savannah on January 11, 2009