1159 Nuuanu Avenue
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

FEE: $5 pays for your Zine materials & pizza

This all-ages workshop is one of Girl Fest's most popular. You will learn how to get your voice and your message out to the public without having to spend an arm and a leg for printing costs. This is all about independent media. Attendees will get to make and keep their own Zine. Led by instructors, Ara Laylo and Katie Whitman, students will see how fun and empowering it can be for anyone wanting to learn how to do simple layouts, get creative with art, write and publish articles, and other basics in zinemaking.


Intructors: Ara Laylo of Smart Magazine & The Malcognitas and Katie Whitman of 808 Scene Zine

To register please friend us with a request at www.myspace.com/girlfest, OR send us an email at [email protected] OR show up at the venue .

Official Website: http://www.girlfesthawaii.org/

Added by Courtney is Awesome on November 9, 2007