4759c NE Fremont
Portland, Oregon 97213

There is no misunderstanding, there is only lack of talk. Wolof proverb.
I was approached by many people lately asking me if we could have a group that meet regularly or at our convenience to talk, the good talk as would say the German philosopher.
It sounded a great idea. God! I love to talk ! I also like, as most of you to talk issues.
We will meet at the beautiful and inspiring Vinideus wine bar. Yes wine, to break the ice ! Isn't it super, (French for cool) .
Bring a friend or friends.The debate will be kind of moderated at our convenience. There is no taboo. Of course as you know we are in a democracy, so any opinion is accepted and welcome. No censorship. But with respect. It was just a reminder. I know you all know the rule of the "game". God! I just like to talk !
Now what are we gonna talk about ?
Theme of the debate: Media's manufacturing consent.

And don't forget: "C'est pas parcequ'on a rien a dire qu'il faut fermer sa gueule" (Michel Audiart)
"It's not because we have nothing to say that we should shut up!"

Added by freedomwine on April 29, 2009



super cool relaxing intellectual we change the world each time