28 SW 1st Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97204

Young people in the Arab world continue to have a powerful influence in their region and the world. Ahmed Younis, Senior Analyst for the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies and the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center, has a uniquely well-informed perspective, inside and out.

Ahmed Younis is a Senior Consultant for Gallup and also a Senior Analyst for the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies and the Abu Dhabi Gallup Center. As such, he has ready access to a vast inventory of statistics about the numbers, trends and opinions of young people across the Middle East and North Africa.

From January 2009 through June 2011, as part of his Gallup portfolio, Ahmed served as Director of Strategic Partnerships and Communications for Silatech. A youth employment initiative of Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser with the broad support of global leaders, Silatech promotes large-scale job creation in the Middle East and North Africa. Ahmed continues to lead Gallup's efforts with Silatech, studying the opinions of young people across the Middle East and North Africa to catalyze opportunities to create jobs that fortify the region's economy.

Named one of the “Power 500” of the Arab world and one of the 500 Most Famous Arabs in the world by Arabian Business Magazine, Younis is the author of American Muslims: Voir Dire, a post 9/11 look at the debate surrounding American Muslims and their country.

Please join us, 7 pm, Wednesday, February 22, when Ahmed Younis talks about Youth in the Arab World: The Reality of Change.

Tickets: $10 regular; $5 students and are available at Brown Paper tickets , or by phone (503-896-5747) or in person at the Mercy Corps Action Center. Students! Save the ticket fee and buy your tickets at the Action Center.

Added by MC Action Center on February 13, 2012

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