840 East El Camino Real
Mountain View, California 94040

Your Career Plan B - Identifying and Moving in Your Right Direction

Presented by Don Ludgren creator of Plan B methodology

CD Giveaway

Special early registration rates: $10 members / $20 non-member

Session Summary:

Times are tough as we are surrounded by an onslaught of economic bad news. Many jobs are have been lost, never to return again. Layoffs are up and competition for scarce jobs is tremendous. Those lucky enough to have jobs are feeling the combined pressure of having to do more with less and wondering who may be next to go. What can you do to restore some peace of mind? One answer is to develop a Plan B.

A Plan B is a self-developed strategy to steer yourself toward passion and meaning. It could be a minor or major deviation from where you are now. It could be an incremental step between your current role and what you long to be: you may be an engineer wanting to move into product management. It could be as drastic as "re-inventing" yourself: you may be in a large hi-tech company and want to start your own company. How quickly and how far you move is up to you.

Official Website: http://pdma.org/chapter_events_detail.cfm?pk_event=544

Added by FullCalendar on April 11, 2010

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