150 Main Street
Northampton, Massachusetts

We are so thrilled to have Stephanie Pearl-McPhee a.k.a. The Yarn Harlot returning to WEBS!
We will kick off the festivities at the Calvin.
There will also be a cash bar.
Stephanie will speak at 6:00pm and then open the floor to Q&A. Once the program is completed, we will all return to WEBS for a book signing. For those of you not wanting to wait in-line, we will have a bunch of pre-signed books that you can purchase. The store will be open for shopping until the last knitter leaves.
First, this event is free, but we will be partnering with a local charity. More info to follow.
Second, we will be taking donations for hats as well. Anyone interested in bringing a hat or sending one if you are unable to attend the event should feel free to do so! We'll be sure to get them to local organizations who can distribute them.

The Calvin holds a limited number of people, we can accomodate many more people back here at the store, but if we sell-out the event, we will not be able to take walk-ins at the Calvin.

Stay tuned for further updates, announcements and surprises!

Official Website: http://yarn.com/s/events.html

Added by clumberknits on May 22, 2007