An introduction to Yahoo!'s open platform including our new social platform, application platform, YQL (Yahoo Query Language), and open search offering (BOSS and SearchMonkey). Meet Yahoo! Developer Network evangelists, and learn about building OpenSocial apps for Yahoo!'s vast audience and the social web.

You bring questions, we'll bring dinner. A chance to hang out with Yahoo software engineers and developers. After the talk, we can continue the conversation at a nearby watering hole. The first round is on YDN. Hope you can make it.

Added by freshelectrons on January 25, 2009


yamio can create your email address,based on your business phone# or auto-lic-plate#.

doing so, a business can have its email under traditional listings(yellow pages,business card),then all businesses will eventually have the uniformed email contact addresses,under,
furthermore, all businesses will have their websites,under,and their virtual shopping mall,under this will add one more business tool,in addition to phone line, fax line.

For hookup on the street, one can send emails to ! have you wished to hook up with that hottie you must passed by?? they are more likely local people,therefore, hookup is a realist thing. is a new generation of email system where a member can create his/her email address, soley based upon one's public identification. will launch its website March 1,2009.
Patent pending,invented a homeless/computer-less guy in Seattle and will challenge