5441 Se Belmont St
Portland, Oregon 97215

Erick Gonzalez, Guatemalan teacher and healer, will speak about the Mayan prophesies for 2012 and beyond, not as they are portrayed by Hollywood, but as rooted in the ancient teachings of the indigenous Mayan peoples. These teachings reveal the Mayan’s sacred relationship with our planet and an understanding of cosmic time that can guide us through the radical changes occurring during this precise time in history. In his workshop, OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez will take us further into the essence of the prophesies and share indigenous wisdom as we undergo this collective evolution of our species.

OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez was born in Guatemala and moved to the U.S. with his parents when he was 11 years old. In 1978 he was adopted by the Mexiko Teotlkalli Kalpull Koatlkalko and the teacher Tlakaelel and given the name OmeAkaEhekatl. He was made an Aj Q’ij (Mayan Spiritual Guide and Daykeeper) in 1994 with the Great Confederation of AjQ’ijab of the Original Peoples of Guatemala and received his bundle through the teacher Apolinario Chile Pixtun. In 2005 he was adopted into the Ts’aalth Clan, the five finned killer whale people of the Eagle Clan of the Haida, and given the name Gaada, meaning supernatural light.

OmeAkaEhekatl is a member and representative of various councils of Indigenous elders, youth, and spiritual guides. He works as an advocate of Preservation of the Natural World and Its Inhabitants and of Native sovereign rights under the guidance and cooperation of Indigenous spiritual elders and leaders. To benefit all life on Mother Earth, OmeAkaEhekatl participates in many international and local Native & non-Native gatherings, helping to nurture and facilitate healing and spiritual growth with individuals and groups through teachings, ceremonies, and sacred traditions.

More information about Tata OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez and his teachings can be found at:
http://earthpeoplesunited.org/ and http://www.mayanshamanism.com/

Details about the Natural Way: Indigenous Voices and other Earth and Spirit Council programs can be found on the Earth and Spirit Council website http://www.earthandspirit.org

Event: Workshop – Mayan Spiritual Teachings for the Dawning of the New Era

Date: Saturday, December 3, 2011, 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m..

Location: Tabor Space at Mt. Tabor Presbyterian Church/Muir Hall,
5441 SE Belmont Street, Portland, OR 97215

Workshop Cost: $50 Pre-registration required to prevent cancellation.

Register at:

Sponsored by: The Earth and Spirit Council

Official Website: http://www.earthandspirit.org

Added by sueflah on November 11, 2011

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