12475 Starcrest
San Antonio, Texas 78216

When: Thursday, Sept 8th and Thursday, Sept 15th
Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Workshop Description

Opportunities to negotiate for the things we want….a promotion, a new client, a business relationship, home responsibilities, a keynote presentation, a challenging and rewarding job, and the list goes on…exist every day. And yet, women often fail to recognize opportunities and ask for what they want.

When women are faced with navigating difficult conversations and solving problems, it often requires an effective negotiation or cooperative approach. However, women are plagued by anxiety when it comes to the thought of negotiating for what they want especially when it might impact a relationship or that a conflict might occur.

This 2-day workshop is for women who make decisions every day in their personal lives, small businesses, or their work. They want to learn how to recognize opportunities, cross barriers and negotiate effectively for the things they want and to address the potential conflict that might arise from these conversations.

Workshop Objectives:

* Learn the specific barriers women face in negotiating and how to overcome them
* Raise self-awareness to your specific negotiation challenges
* Understand your conflict management choices and how they impact a potential negotiation
* Learn how to assess your negotiation environment
* Use planning tools to prepare for a negotiated conversation
* Learn an interest-based cooperative process to bargaining
* Practice skills using participant’s real-life negotiation opportunities

Registration Options:
Early Bird Rate (before August 19, 2011) $450.00
Regular Rate (after August 19, 2011) $550.00

To register go to: http://conflictconnections​.eventbrite.com/

Costs include full hot breakfast, afternoon snacks and drinks, participant manual and an online assessment. Lunch is on your own.

Cancellation Policy

Any cancellation within 14 days of the first day of training (August 25th) will be refunded less $150 administrative fee; or registrant can replace their slot with another individual. Any cancellation outside the 14 days will be given a refund less $25 for administrative fees.

For more information, email Pattie Porter or call 210-880-4440

Added by pattie porter on July 7, 2011