2775 S. Broadway
Englewood, Colorado 80113

Wizards have been figures of power in all ancient culture, but very little has been discussed about them in modern times until recently. This class discusses them in all cultural contexts as well as their common abilities, nature and values. We will go over a wide variety of magical, meditation and thought styles common to all practitioners of magic. This session focuses on: Wizard Lore, Wizards as Seers; Elemental Wizardry; Dark and Light Dichotomy; Alchemists and Enchanters and Divine Doctors and Modern Mages. The second level of this class, Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone, will be held on June 20. In this session, we will focus on the power of alchemy and the creation and use of a philosopher's stone. This walking meditation is extremely valuable to anyone who wishes to take the peace of meditation with them wherever they go. The power to transform base metals into gold is trivial when compared to the power to transform oneself into pure spirit. Today we focus on Wizards in modern context; The Seven States of Alchemy and the Legend of the Philosopher's Stone as we work to transform ourselves. Your instructor, Jestin LeBaron,is a self-taught wizard, and has studied and taught magic and religion since childhood.

Official Website: http://www.isisbooks.com

Added by Isis Books and Gifts on May 13, 2009