9315 Dorchester St
Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80129

Author, filmmaker, and former pro skier William Kerig will discuss and sign his new book 'The Edge of Never,' a ripping adventure tale about a young skier coming of age, as well as a frank and subtle portrait of the highly skilled and courageous adventurers who risk everything to experience the fullness of life in the mountains. The story is centered on Kye Petersen, a young professional skier whose father, Trevor Petersen - one of the most famous skiers of his day - was killed in an avalanche in the French Alps in 1996. Nearly a decade later, fifteen-year-old Kye travels to France to ski the run that took his father's life and, with the aid of some of the world's greatest ski mountaineers, to become a member of skiing's big-mountain tribe.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 4, 2008