1214 Washington Ave., third floor Mossa Center
Saint Louis, Missouri 63101

3rd Floor Gallery is proud to exhibit the NEO-DADA work of internationally recognized artist WIKTOR SZOSTALO in his new works in sculpture and paintings.

During WW I Dada was created not as art but "anti-art". For everything that art stood for, Dada was to represent the opposite, and Wiktor Szostalo believes it?s time for Dadaism to sharpen it?s teeth again. Where art was concerned with aeshetics and which piece of art will go with the sofa, Neo-Dada ignores aesthetics. If art is to appeal to sensibilities, Neo-Dada is to offend and/or edjucate. Through this rejection of traditional culture and aesthetics Neo-Dada hopes to question traditional culture and aesthetics.

This show will also highlight The Tree Hugger Project in collaboration with Agnieszka Gradzik supporting their new environmental installation art project. The Tree Hugger Project was started last summer in England and attracted international attention followed by invitations and interviews from around the world. The second installation was in New York. The newest installation is here in St. Louis at the Tulip Festival on April 15th at the Jewel Box in Forest Park .

Wiktor Szostalo has a Masters in fine art. His sculptures utilize metal, wood, and glass. He was a painting and drawing instructor at Washington University, School of Fine Arts. He?s had one person shows in Poland, Germany and throughout the U.S. He?s won over a dozen commissions throughout the world, including one in the Bahamas.

The show will run from April 7, 2006 to May 12.

We?ll have an opening reception for the artist on the first Friday gallery walk April 7th from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. and a closing reception on the first Friday gallery walk on May 5th from 6 to 10.

Added by 3rdfloorgallery on March 10, 2006