32 Strawberry St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106

Mayor Alex is in charge of the festivities in his home town, but lemme just tell ya that Philly rocks. There will be cheese steaks consumed, much karaoke and coworking done. BTW...the listing for Indy Hall on Upcoming needs to be updated as they have moved to a bigger space recently.


What's Whuffaoke or Bust?

It's a karaoke-infused roadtrip across America, starting in San Francisco, California, and ending in Montreal, Quebec. The goal is to bring music, whuffie and conversation on how to change the world along with us. We are Tara Hunt, Tony Bacigalupo, Emma Persky, Alex Hillman and Ridley the Pug.

Official Website: http://www.whuffaoke.com

Added by msrogue on May 28, 2009