1100 Santa Cruz Ave
Menlo Park, California 94025

Adult Faith Formation Mid-Winter Series: 7-8 pm on Tuesdays and 9:15-9:45 on Sundays

Fully Human and Fully Divine: Jesus the Son of God
"Who is Jesus and How does He Save Us?"

Many people makes claims about Jesus. The Catholic Tradition has a rich history of reflection and teaching about the significance of Jesus, his person and his Good News. Over 4 weeks we shall trace the Church's teaching about Jesus, the Risen Lord. There will be a presentation on Tuesdays evenings from 7-7:45 with questions until 8 and Fellowship and Conversation following.

On Sundays, we shall apply the same teaching to our on-going conversations about how to pass on the rich teaching of the Church to children.

Join us for our first session on Tuesday Feb 8th, 7-8pm

Official Website: http://www.straymondsparish.org

Added by St Raymond Parish Menlo Park on January 8, 2011