602 West 7th Street, STE A
Austin, Texas 78701

Gallery Lombardi is very proud of this show.
Susan Antone, Gary Floyd & Buxf Parrot are making the their fine art debuts! Bill Daniels sent us a bundle of his 80s punk club photographs, which will relate to Susan Antone's photos of Junior Wells, Otis Rush, James Cotton, Jimmie & Stevie Vaughan and her brother Clifford. Musicians who also make art like these, are good at communicating honest emotional states and at showing their love of musical history. Most of the artists will be attending the opening reception and they have some great oral histories of the blues, rock & punk in Austin. This show was curated by Win Wallace and Rachel Koper.

Join us for:
"Wheelchair Epidemic"
(named after a song by Gary & Buxf's band 'the dicks')
Artists Reception: Sat. March 1st, 7pm - 10pm
With DJ Ben Webster & refreshments

Featured Artists Include:
Susan Antone, exclusive photos of Antone's
Bill Daniels, photos of Raul's punk club
Win Wallace, drawings
Gary Floyd, mixed media collage
Buxf Parrot, drawings and paintings
Tim Kerr, mixed media works
Brian Curley, drawings & paintings
Ian Schults, paintings
Andrew Fuertsch, painting

Thurs. March 13th 6-10pm, Musical Performances by:
Sharon Tate's Baby, punk
strange attractors, rock
Shootin' Pains & The Dicks, blues & punk
If Bricks Had Wings , old timey all acoustic
free all, ages shows

Sat. March 15th noon -6pm
bands from the label http://www.home-tapes.com

Exhibition Dates: March 1st - April 5th
The gallery hours are Tues.-Sat. noon- 6pm

Official Website: http://www.gallerylombardi.com/

Added by salvo cheque on February 27, 2008

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