15 Devonshire Place
Toronto, Ontario

What’s Wrong With Women’s Studies?
Academic Feminism, Censorship & Men

Featuring Professor Janice Fiamengo

In Professing Feminism: Education and Indoctrination in Women’s Studies, Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge present research showing how women’s studies has come to serve a political agenda, leading to deep problems: dubious scholarship, indoctrination, and the alienation of supporters.

Dr. Janice Fiamengo, U of Ottawa English Professor, discusses the problems of academic feminism at Canadian universities: dubious scholarship, indoctrination, dogmatic teaching approaches, limitations on free speech, effects of “equity hiring,” and the consequences for men in the humanities.

Thurs, March 7 at 7:00 PM *

VENUE CHANGE: George Ignatieff Theatre, 15 Devonshire Place, University of Toronto
(5 minute walk from previous location, McLennan Physical Labs (MP)

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. The University of Toronto has kindly offered us complimentary use of one of their beautiful theatre venues, for reasons related to the law-breaking protest that occurred at our last event. CAFE offers its appreciation to the University for its strong commitment to free speech on campus.

$5 suggested donation

Hosted by the University of Toronto Men’s Issues Awareness Society Sponsored by Canadian Association for Equality

Official Website: http://www.equalitycanada.com

Added by Equality Canada 1637 on February 22, 2013