66 Porland Place
London, England W1B 1AD

The questions we'll be answering include:

Social Media / Network Marketing - we've heard the buzz but what's of real business importance here? Who is actually influential (rather than simply popular) in your space? How can you harness the value of your network? Do you really need to have a presence on the likes of MySpace?

Atomisation, Distribution, Re-configuration... - RSS, feeds, APIs, widgets etc... How can you be opening up your content and services so that your customers and business partners can most effectively use and re-use your assets to get the most value out of them? How can you reach new markets and grow your online business in new and exciting ways?

Desktop Marketing - with Microsoft's new Vista platform, the growth in desktop gadgets and RSS alerts, how seriously should you be taking the desktop as a digital marketing arena? How does this 'desktop' extend to mobile and TV devices?

Official Website: http://www.e-consultancy.com/wniom/

Added by blognation UK on June 22, 2007