2211 Alaskan Way
Seattle, Washington 98121

At a time when every customer relationship (and every team relationship) counts, it's vital to your business to understand "What Makes the Generations Tick and What Ticks Them Off(TM)."

This Presidential Election proved how a multi-generational strategy allows you to sell and recruit at landslide levels.

This is a full-day intensive training for business leaders ready to maximize the opportunities (and proactively address the challenges) of a multi-generational market place.

In this seminar you will learn:

*What generational pitfalls are costing you money
*What wins the hearts of clients & customers of each generation
*How generational blind spots cost you client accounts
*How your "best practices" are making "top talent" walk out the door
*Generational misunderstandings that kill the deal with customers
*How to STOP managers from de-motivating employees
*Why coaching & feedback are key management and retention tools
*What managers do that ticks off employees (both younger and older)
*Words that resonate and revolt each generation
*How to inspire team members of all ages
*Why their "work ethic" seem so different from yours
*What exactly "work/life balance" means today

Attendees take away specific, actionable plans and fresh perspectives that help put their new Generational Savvy(TM) to work creating a new competitive advantage.

Who Should Attend:

*Business Owners
*C-Suite Executives
*Human Resource Experts
*Marketing, Sales and PR Professionals
*Professional Services Executives
*Not-for-Profit Staff & Board Members

Date: December 2, 2008
Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. PST
Tuition: Individual $695 includes materials, continental breakfast, lunch, mid-morning and afternoon refreshments

$695.00 includes materials, continental breakfast, lunch, mid-morning and afternoon refreshments.

Official Website: http://www.resultance.com

Added by FullCalendar on November 13, 2008

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