3201 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, California 94705

What is Gnosis? Introductory Talk

"In humans are the seeds of Angels" (Samael Aun Weor)

Learn how to walk the spiritual path alluded to by ancient myths and legends.

In this introductory talk, we will embark upon the quest for hidden knowledge (Gnosis) - a knowledge that each one of us can uncover through mystical practices that have been used by Gnostics throughout the ages to reach peace within, deepen their understanding of life and grow spiritually.
Through these same practices taught in the open today, we can achieve peace, overcome personal obstacles, tap into psychic faculties, and unveil the hidden side of life.

The meaning of life has been alluded to in ancient texts and hinted at in myths and legends… now it is being explained in a practical way so that anyone who is truly searching can find it.

This introductory talk will be followed by our 9-week course "An Introduction to Gnosis", where you will learn about the fundamental keys for walking the Path to enlightenment and how to practically apply them. This course will start on January 11 at 7:30 pm and you can read more about it here: http://www.gnosticawakenings.com/courses

A part of the Gnostic Center is also a Cafe, run by our volunteers, where you can enjoy a cup of coffee, tea or healthy snacks, as well as a Reading Corner, where you can read a selection of spiritual books. The cafe is open 30 minutes before and after each event, so come a bit earlier to enjoy the coziness of this place and get to know your fellow-seekers!

We hope you will find the time to make it to this special event and look forward to meeting you!

The SF Bay Area Gnostic Centre team

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/Gnostic-Movement-SF-Bay-Area/calendar/12019788/

Added by SF Bay Area Gnostic Centre on December 20, 2009