3204 W Lynn
Seattle, Washington 98119

Fri Feb 22-Sun Feb 24
What about...You?
Our internal mantra spontaneously repeats throughout our days and even in our dreams: “What about me?” Yet this thought is the very source of all our problems. Venerable Chodron addresses the methods to exchange that deceptive, self-defeating notion for a “mantra” guaranteed to bring happiness. Attend any one or all sessions.

Suggested donation. No one turned away for lack of funds
Fri at 7:00 PM $15.00
Sat at 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM $15.00
Sun at 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM $15.00
Or full series $30.00

Buddhist teachings are given freely. Your donation helps to support Dharma Friendship Foundation in bringing qualified Buddhist Teachers to the region

Added by Juraedharmafriendship33 on January 27, 2008