511 Warburton Ave
Yonkers, New York 10701

The Hudson River Museum celebrates the military service of women in Westchester County. Westchester Women and War: Portraits was inspired by its World War II project to honor Yonkers women in the Women's Army Corps (WAC). The Museum at the time commissioned artist Francis Vandeveer Kughler (1901-1970) to capture the veterans' likenesses on canvas. Kughler, who painted the portraits of over 40 veterans, hoped they would ensure that "future generations ... have a living record of our fighting women." This summer is the first time Kughler's 1940s pastel and oil portraits will be displayed at the Museum since 1953. Westchester women continue to serve their country today in every branch of the military. Adding to the historical portraits, Westchester Women and War: Portraits includes 12 newly commissioned photographs of contemporary women veterans, who grew up in Westchester or have made the County their home.

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 31, 2012