21 Grand Corner Avenue (off I-270N, I-370W)
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878

[To help defray costs an optional $1 or $2 donation is suggested]

Key topics will be from Motivational and How-To categories. Stay tuned here or via email for new polls.

Our last few Show and Tell's are going well. Bring any topic, book, article and/or web site to talk about.

See our Files section for additional information from prior meetings.
Any comments or research you have on the above topics are appreciated.

Please bring topic ideas or questions to discuss. For Show & Tell portion, bring books, articles and web sites to discuss.

We're going to continue to go through our ideas for the Meetups and go from there! I hope to see you there! :-)

Added by news18 on March 26, 2008

Interested 1