On your computer, at your desk.
Seattle, Washington

Many of the world's leading companies are discovering the benefits of leveraging corporate social networking for strategic initiatives focused on their extended talent assets: employees and alumni. Conenza (http://www.conenza.com/) would like to invite you to an educational webinar that will highlight the significant impact a corporate alumni community can have on your business.

At the upcoming event, Kate Gilliatt, Director of Alumni Relations for The Boston Consulting Group from 1998-2008, will share insights, best practices, and resources that you may find useful as you build a business case for a new community initiative or work to maximize the return on an existing community.

Event Description:

Forward-thinking leaders are building meaningful and lifelong connections with their employees and are realizing substantial financial and brand-building benefits:
* Increased recruiting efficiency
* Decreased recruiting and on-boarding costs
* Expanded revenue development opportunities
* Improved collaboration and expanded innovation networks
* Reduced outplacement costs
* Engaged and highly influential brand evangelists

This interactive session will explore the business case behind a corporate alumni community and provide you with tangible, real-world examples that will illuminate the enduring financial impact an extended talent community can have on your business.

We hope you will join us and discover how compelling the benefits can be.

Official Website: https://conenza.webex.com/mw0305l/mywebex/default.do?nomenu=true&siteurl=conenza&service=6&main_url=https%3A%2F%2Fconenza.webex.com%2Fec0600l%2Feventcenter%2Fevent%2FeventAction.do%3FtheAction%3Ddetail%26confViewID%3D402674685%26siteurl%3Dconenza%26%26%26

Added by Meg_Conenza on August 8, 2008