4290 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, California 94306

A web site's usability can make or break the site. In today's increasingly complex web environment with hybrid sites + applications, technology demands and limitations, and competing interests, it is even more critical and challenging to keep your eye on the usability ball. Learn from some of the leading experts in this field working on high traffic, revenue generating web sites techniques for improving your site's usability and bottom line.

The panel will also speak to top usability trends, best practices, usability dos & don'ts, techniques, processes, and tools for creating and managing highly usable and successful sites and webapps.

Jeremy Ashley, Vice President, Applications User Experience, Oracle
Tom Chi, Senior Director - User Experience, Yahoo!

To register http://www.webguild.org/events/event_details.php?event_id=1820106447

Online Registration for Members: $30.00 and Non-Members: $60.00. Onsite add $10 extra.

Official Website: http://www.webguild.org/events/event_details.php?event_id=1820106447

Added by FullCalendar on June 11, 2008