Corner Collins and Swanston Streets
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Web Directions User Experience is a full day two track conference, plus an optional extra day of workshops, focussing on concepts, technologies and techniques for building great user experiences on the web.

Workshops: May 15
Conference: May 16

* Andy Budd (Clearleft) - Interaction design and usability
* Robert Hoekman Jr (Miskeeto) - User experience evangelist
* Lisa Herrod - User testing
* Emily Boyd (Remember the Milk) - Ajax techniques for great user experiences
* Cameron Adams - Frontiers of Javascript (workshop)
* Donna Maurer - Getting content right
* Jackie Moyes (News Digital Media) - Turning research into products
* Oliver Weidlich - Mobile web user experience
* Steve Baty - Analysing research data
* Mathew Patterson (Campaign Monitor) - Designing for email

Official Website:

Added by MaxineSherrin on March 18, 2008