200 Roy Street
Seattle, Washington 98109

Come learn about how a search engine works from a former Googler, and then get tips about search-friendly design patterns from an architect in the Microsoft developer division. If we have time, we will also do live website reviews with the experts and there will be plenty of drinks and snacks!

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a fundamental building block of effective infrastructure design that ensures web applications can thrive in an online environment in which potential customers turn to search first.

When done correctly, SEO supports the usability and web development best practices that most folks are using on the web today.

Jane and Robot (janeandrobot.com) is happy to present our first free networking event, hosted by Microsoft, May 13th at 6pm at the Solo bar in Queen Anne. We've got the place to ourselves until 9pm and will have shirts and other swag in addition to food and drinks.

At Jane and Robot, our goal is to help web developers be more successful with search by helping provide design patterns optimized for real people, but also smart about robots and search. This networking event is the first in a series, so check out our events page for information on more upcoming meetups and conferences.

For more in-depth details about writing search-friendly code for your web applications, come out for the SMX Advanced Developer Day at Bell Harbor on June 4th. Hear from Microsoft, Adobe, Google, as well as developers with real-world experience building web applications that attract visitors through search. Learn how to diagnose infrastructure issues and implement solutions that work. We'll cover a variety of technologies, including asp.net, IIS, Apache, Silverlight, PHP, Drupal, and Flash.

Official Website: http://janeandrobot.com/events

Added by vanessafox on May 6, 2008



I went and had a blast. The speakers (Vanessa and Nathan) did a wonderful job in my opinion. Topics were spread pretty evenly from beginner stuff to more advanced and I liked how everything was described in easy to understand verbiage rather than the sometimes intimidating webmaster and coding lingo.

There were free t-shirts, great snacks and drinks provided, made for some nice additional perks to add to the learning and social fun.

I had a great time meeting new webmasters and SEOs, including some folks I had met before (nice to see you Carlos). Look forward to seeing you all again at future meetups.

Thanks janeandrobot, I love your mission and vision, hope to help contribute sometime whenever possible. See you all at SMX Advanced.