3055 Olin Avenue
San Jose, California 95128

A place to meet other web developers in the Silicon Valley

Added by polvero on January 23, 2006



I figure to make things simple, we can meet by the outside fire places near the end of the strip on the South Side.


Hey guys, for any further discussion on places and times, try to keep them on this thread as it serves as a universal place to communicate.


Hey Dustin, sounds cool. I'll try make it.


Just three people attending? Make that four... assuming my wife says it's OK (insert "embarrassed" emoticon here).


Well, we have a total of 8 (4 on the watch list and 4 on the attend list). Hope it works out for everyone.

Remember folks, it's just beer and coffee. It's supposed to be a "fun" thing.

I'm looking forward to seeing you guys there :)

And leo, don't worry, I had to ask my wife if this night was a good night to book.


My wife said it's OK as well. I mentioned that it was basically just getting together over coffee/beer in order to touch base and discuss web design stuff, and she thinks that's OK. See you all tonight!


Was I the only one who showed up? I arrived at 7:34PM (sorry, rubberneckers on 280 from a minor fender-bender) and found where the outside fireplace is. I ended up asking a couple groups of people if they were ?the web developers?, and they gave me a funny look and said, ?no, sorry?. So, I waited around for 1/2 hour and then went to the bookstore and bought The Zen Of CSS Design (which I had been meaning to buy for a while) and went back to the fireplace area and proceeded to read 24 pages. Perhaps we ought to attempt this informal meeting again?


Leo, Look at the date. It's tomorrow bro. It's always been that and I haven't changed it.

Sorry if it caused you any inconvenience. Hope to see you there tomorrow night (the real date).


OMFG!!! I am a day ahead!!! (insert "tard" emoticon here) Well I don't think I'll be able to make it then. Wow, I'm a grade-A moron! :(