Losangles, California 90840

Wealth Masters International Jay Kubassek

Learn about making REAL MONEY right now

1) Wealth Masters organizes conferences and seminars all over the world, inviting the power houses of finance, motivation & wealth. We have a mission of helping to create new millionaires everyday. One thing I learned was that you must surround yourself with what you want or want to become... It took me years, but now I know not to try to re-invent the wheel... look for what works for you and copy it.

Over my life, I started up several businesses, working long hours, waiting years to reap profits... I always did but, I recently decided to start with an established model. I spent over a year researching franchises (that experience would be a whole 10 pages of it's own). All to say that franchising is a game like any other & is very overwhelming! Having had experience in the media business, I decided to exploited the internet. We have all heard of the massive successes made online and I want my part of it. Wealth Masters turned me on to Jay Kubassek and Mike Dillard. These guys have made millions online and have created successful models of marketing companies.

I will tell you from experience, there's a ton of "opportunities" online right now. In the end they are all rehashes of these two men's work. Do yourself a favor and save yourself a ton of cash and wasted time and start with the best. Jay started up Carbon Copy Pro a feeder service for Wealth Masters. By feeder I mean, we search out potential Wealth Masters clients. This is done with a very successful & proven system that weeds out the "tire kickers" and shares this wealth of knowledge with new partners. We are looking for serious entrepreneurs, who want to start a successful business with very little capital from anywhere in the world that has an internet connection.

Like any real business, this is not a get rich quick scheme, it take devotion and passion. Although, it won't take that much time indeed. CC Pro is one of the most complete systems out there... trust me I did them all! The training and support is unsurpassed, constantly updated and tweaked. Almost daily webinars/conference calls where you get your questions answered by the the best of the best in there fields. Mentors like me to get you off on the right track and come up with a plan for your time and budget.

Added by wealthmastersjaykubassek on March 17, 2009