Central Park West & 79th Street
New York, New York 10024

Join Watson Adventures at the American Museum of Natural History on a unique scavenger hunt for adults!

You’ll see nature and humans in a way that would make PBS blush, including exotic tribes and well-armed beasts in battles of tooth and claw—and to the victors go the eyebrow-raising spoils. Highlights include venomous liquor, a saucy “cigarette girl,” real shrunken heads, flying volcanic debris, a headhunter’s ax, X-rated Aztecs and history’s largest dinosaur (it’s not the T-Rex). Price, which includes museum admission: Adult $37; College Student (w/ valid ID) $35. Advance purchase is required and tickets can be purchased at http://www.watsonadventures.com. Questions? Call 877-9GOHUNT, but please do not contact the museum directly. Also, check out other upcoming Watson Adventures’ scavenger hunts! Visit https://www.ovationtix.com/trs/cal/487 to see the full event calendar.

This hunt is offered on the following dates:
01/31/2009 @ 3:00PM
02/28/2009 @ 3:00PM

Watson Adventures also offers corporate and private scavenger hunts and team-building activities throughout the U.S. Visit http://www.watsonadventures.com/stage.html for information on staging a private event.

Official Website: http://www.watsonadventures.com

Added by WatsonAdventures on January 2, 2009