870 Williston Rd
Burlington, Vermont

The Vermont Foodbank’s annual Hunger Conference has become one of Vermont’s premier sources for learning about the issue of hunger as it affects our state and our communities. It is a valuable opportunity to share, discuss, and revise ideas regarding the important work of feeding our neighbors in need.

We would like to invite you to join us for lunch and afternoon workshop sessions.

We have teamed up with folks from the Center for Media and Democracy, the Campaign to End Childhood Hunger, Bridges Out of Poverty, Vermont’s Livable Wage Campaign, Feeding America and the VT Dept. of Children and Families to bring you workshops designed to address some of the causes of hunger. It is our belief that with a better understanding of why hunger persists in our communities, we will be best suited to tackle the issue.

With this in mind we have secured anti-hunger leader and advocate Joel Berg as our keynote speaker. Mr. Berg is the Executive Director of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger. He served for eight years under the Clinton Administration in senior executive service positions for the USDA.

We sincerely hope that you will be able to join us for this opportunity to learn about hunger in Vermont. The issue affects us all.

Learn more and download a registration form at: http://www.vtfoodbank.org

Official Website: http://www.vtfoodbank.org

Added by Common Good Vermont on March 24, 2010