107 N 3rd St #2H
New York, New York 11211

Celebrate Valentine's Day with your partner (or friend!) learning the basics of Thai Massage.
Kevin and Dana will guide you through a hands-on experience of Thai Massage and Pranassage movements and techniques, with an emphasis on creating a caring, restoring, and relaxing experience for both partners. Enjoy the benefits of giving and receiving compassionate touch throughout the workshop, and leave with a simple sequence that you can replicate at home.

Thai Massage works the premise that energetic streams, or meridians, exist within the body. Through the application of pressure to key points along these energy lines, Thai massage helps to remove energetic blocks. Sometimes termed "lazy mans' yoga," the practitioner moves the receiver through a sequence of facilitated stretches and compression techniques resulting in both a physical and energetic opening, allowing for a freer flow of prana (energy).

Pranassage utilizes similar hands-on techniques with the simple intention of being present with your partner, often resulting in deep relaxation and increased body-awareness in both the giver and receiver.

No prior yoga or massage experience is necessary. No oils or lotions needed. Comfortable clothes and a yoga mat are recommended. (Mats can be rented at the studio upon arrival).

Added by bendyburg on January 3, 2010

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