Av. Pedralbes 60-62
Barcelona, Catalonia 08034

We invite you to explore the relationship between sustainability and innovation, not from the perspective of specific products or services, but rather from an organisations point of view. In other words, we already know that any organisation can create an innovative, sustainable project. However, what we would like to analyse is how an organisation can integrate innovation and sustainability into the very heart of its identity and organisational culture. We firmly believe that this process of integration can be a source of value creation for both the organisation itself and for society in general.
In order to examine these and other questions, we would like to invite you to take part in a full-day conference, at which several outstanding speakers will present their proposals, workshops, case studies and experiences, which will help generate a lively debate.

Added by ESADE Instituto de InnovaciĆ³n So on February 4, 2012