2411 Dole Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

Free • For more information call 956-8246 or visit www.outreach.hawaii.edu/community/

Join the Honolulu Chamber Music Series and members of Trio Con Brio Copenhagen in a discussion of their music and place in the chamber music world. The Trio features Soo-Jin Hong on violin, Soo-Kyung Hong on cello, and Jens Elvekjaer on piano.
Trio Con Brio Copenhagen drew attention with its recent sensational success at the ARD-competition in Munich. They won the Kalichstein International Trio Award in September of 2005. The trio has become, since its 1999 formation in Vienna, one of the most exciting young piano trios performing today.

Official Website: http://www.outreach.hawaii.edu/community/

Added by csstudent on February 8, 2007

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