16 5th St W
St Paul, Minnesota 55102

'Tony n' Timothy's Wedding' takes attendees inside the madness of an Italian-American GAY Wedding. From the ceremony officiated by Earth Mother & Priestess Theresa to the wild reception in Ginny & Loretta Black's Coliseum, audience members become part of the very non-traditional family. The larger-than-life personalities of Tony and Timothy and their extended "families," as well as the controversial event, make for a chaotic, combustible energy that is destined to ignite mayhem on the couple'sblissful day. An Italian dinner is included with the purchase of tickets. The wedding will take place at 375 Wabasha St. N, St. Paul, MN 55102. The reception will follow in the Lowry Theater half a block away at 16 W 5th St.,St. Paul, MN 55102.

Added by Upcoming Robot on July 5, 2009



This was amazingly funny and clever. Everyone involved lived their character to the fullest!!! The ceremony was unbelievable and the party was fun filled. Dancing, singing, drinks and food!!! It got really hot in the theatre but that was to be expected because of all the people in there and all the people dancing and moving around. The people involved made sure to go to each table and interact with everyone whether it was talking or getting people up to dance. If it comes back to town or it comes to your town defiantly go and see it...it's well worth it. I haven't had such a good time in a long time!!!

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