6101 Reseda Bl
Tarzana, California 91335

The name of the album is "STRANGE NEW WORLD" and we'll be celebrating it's awaited release. You can stream and pre-order all of the songs by visiting www.tightropesky.bandcamp.com.

Where: Paladino's
Address: 6101 Reseda Blvd. Tarzana, CA
Price: $10.00 cover
Ages: 21+

Also performing will be our good friends

8pm - 4 of a Kind (they're only doing at least 30 min set tho)
9pm - PigMoney
10- Tight Rope Sky
11- Speak of the Name
12- Bastard Opera

Official Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/389750667722397/?ref=ts

Added by Timothy Kranz on June 8, 2012

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